These tours are designed for government-licensed tour guides who are interested in meeting with members of Israel’s minority communities to learn more about grassroots tourist initiatives that they can offer their guests. Unlike other tours that focus primarily on the history and archaeology of a place, People not Places provides guides with a grounded and anthropologically based conceptual framework that prepares them to be “cultural brokers”

A Tale of Two Tabernacles: Mt. Gerizim And Shiloh


Akko: Holy City for Bahais, Sufis and Jews



Come participate in specially designed workshops for tour guides that will provide you with the opportunity to experience first-hand the kind of activities that you can offer to your guests. In these workshops, we will learn about local cultural practices through traditional handicrafts, the preparation of home-cooked meals, as well as community-based volunteer opportunities. Incorporating these activities into your itineraries economically supports local communities, preserves traditional culture, and enriches your guests’ experiences.

Workshop Three


Workshop Two


Workshop One


Courses Two


Course One



Occasional long and short-term courses for tour guides that explore Israel’s rich cultural mosaic will be available. Specially designed by anthropologist Dr. Eyal Dujovny, these courses will provide tour guides with a grounding in anthropological theory as well as a chances to learn up close from community members. To receive updates on future workshops and courses, please register to the People not Places mailing list.